Jaleeisa's Journal of Keeping

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Jaleeisa's Journal of Keeping

Post by Jaleeisa »

(( Originally posted 6-3-06 in "The Streets" Folder, Topic: "Venture" ))

Walking through the marketplace was a pleasant way to spend an afternoon. A jumble of sights and sounds that would keep even the most jaded of shoppers from boredom. Nearly empty pack slung over her shoulder, Jal enjoyed the sensation of soft breezes playing hide and seek through dark waves. Casually strolling, she paused here and there to look over the wares displayed. One hand balanced the warm meat pie she’d purchased to enjoy as she strolled.

Several items held place on her shopping list, but perhaps none more important than clothing. Spotting the fluttering of colorful cloth, Jal headed towards the booth. Haggling, but only half-heartedly, the seamstress having the right of it when she’d boasted to Jal that she’d not find better woven or sewn cloth should she employ a private seamstress. Soon she was on her way again, two new blouses carefully folded and packed in rough brown paper. So carefully were they wrapped that not a speck of the vibrant green or blue cloth could be sighted. The bundle found it’s place in the bottom of her pack.

Her next pausing came at a binder’s stall. Several books lovingly bound in supple leather caught the eye. Browsing among the titles gilded into the binding, Jal found a coupe that struck her interest. One was about the history of the Inn, another of the Keepers of Twilight Island. The history looked to be rich with information about the changes in the Island in the last several years. Another book caught her eye. Thumbing though it, she found all the pages blank. “Hmm.. Must be a journal or for a ship’s log..” Jal muttered to herself. “But not just a journal.” came the reply behind her. Jumping like a goosed maiden, Jal whirled to find a rather odd looking man behind her. “Oh.. I didn’t see you there. You startled me!” What started out as apologetic ended up accusing. Stormy gaze moved over the little man, assessing him for threat even as they widened a little. She’d never seen such an odd creature. “There, there, lass. It’s alright. Most folk overlook me. Not unusual at all. Especially since the books are taller than I am!” Mirth danced in his mismatched green and gold eyes. A finger rubbed against a rather dominating nose as he studied her in return. “So..umm.. What do you mean it’s not just a journal? What else could it be?” A cant of head as she studied him. “Well, it could be a ship, or a hole in the ground, or a bowling ball. But it’s not. It’s a journal that can either contain memories by writing them, or.. here.. See this little knob above the catch?” Turning the book in her hand, a finger hovered over the almost unnoticeable sliver of crystal embedded above the catch. “Aye...what of it? I thought it was just a decoration.” “Nay, lass.. It’s a memory crystal. When you write, it’s just words on a page. But if you’ll stare at the crystal and think of the thing, or person or what happened, it’ll be sealed within the book. All you do is turn to the right page and rub the crystal to see it.”

Jal stepped back, almost dropping the book in the process. A fumbling catch belying her normal grace. All the while the little man was grinning at her like he’d just produced something wonderful. “So.. It steals my memories and they just stay in this book?”, she asked, handling the volume as though it was a poisonous spider. “No, lass. It merely borrows from your memory and puts the pictures there instead of the words. But the memories are still your own. It just sort of copies them. But better than just memories, because those fade as time passes, these always stay fresh.”, the little man replied, brushing thinning pink hair out of his eyes. “So, the memories of what I put in here will always be like the first time I saw them?”, Jal queried, staring down at the book. “Aye, they never fade, stay just as sharp as your memory of it when you first saw or experienced it.” Turning away from her, the little man shifted another small stack of books and hopped up to sit on the table they rested on. “It’s a book of keeping, lass. It will hold memories, likenesses of folk, or even some small, special items. There’s a trick to getting those back, and it will only hold a few, so you have to be sure they are the most special of belongings.”

Jal considered this for a few moments, staring at the book intently, almost suspiciously. “So, what happens to the items? Do they just vanish? Can someone else get them back?” She glanced back to the little man with these questions. “Nay, lass, they don’t really vanish. It works kind of like a bag of holding.. They just kinda fit into space somewhere in the ether. When you put something in it, a picture of it will appear in the book. To get it back all you have to do is picture it in your hand again. The book will only allow one owner. But in case something happens and you need someone else to get something out of it, you need only whisper a word to it, one that you would only share with someone you trust. They would speak the word to the cover, and the page would open. Then they would need imagine the item in their hand.” The little man paused here to take a swig from a flask at his hip. “So, the word I choose is the only key for someone else to get something out that I’d put in.” The little man nodded, “Aye, lass. That’s the only way. The word you choose is the key.” “So, if I buy this, how does it work that it will know I’m it’s owner?” Jal questioned, intrigued now. “Well, lass, like most magic, what is freely given through gift or trade becomes bonded to it’s new owner. It simply has to go from my hand to yours with free will. After that, it’s yours and only you have the key, so to speak, unless you share it with someone else.” A nod followed that explanation, Jal had heard of such protected magic. Pondering her finances, another nod soon followed in decision. “Alright then, how much for it?” The little man looked her up and down. A gnarled finger tapped his chin as he considered.”What about twenty silver and that bracelet?”, pointing to the gold bracelet wrapped snugly around her wrist. “The bracelet..?, Jal looked down at it, considering. “Aye, lass.. Trade for trade. The silver because a man has to live, the bracelet because I’m more interested in things that can be imbued with magic.” With the faintest of regretful sighs, Jal shifted the books in her arms and slid the bracelet from her wrist.”Deal, wee one. And what more for the other two books?” Jumping form the table, the little man motioned her towards a cleared table near the entry. “Let’s see.. Twenty for the book of keeping.. And two each for the others..
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The Wedding, Part 1

Post by Jaleeisa »

(( Originally posted 6-17-06 in "The Streets" Folder, Topic: "Venture" ))

Lounging around the Inn’s common room that day seemed a good idea. She’d been working hard the last week, yeah, right. Guarding some overly egotistic merchant’s wagons was not very taxing, except when the merchant, who offered inferior goods, started rambling about his importance in Rhydin. But, hey, it was money. It provided a comfortable room at the Inn, clothing when needed and food. In short, comfort. Seeing Artemus walk in had been a welcome respite from her reading, though what came next, she decided later, would make a fine first entry in her book of keeping...

Art came in and we sat and shared a drink. He told me a little more about himself and his gardens. I was very pleased when he invited me to see them. I wasn’t really sure just how to react when he wanted to know more about me. Most people just take me at face value. I’ve learned that the folk of Rhydin usually don’t care to know more about a person aside from if they’re a fun companion. Though I have to admit that Kyndra, Tass, Brig and Art seem to be more than just boon companions. I really enjoy their company and feel that we could all eventually become good and trusted friends.

But back to Art. He asked me to accompany him to a state wedding. Amazing, me, a little ship born line climber at a state wedding. I guess I’m not really all that feminine. I’ve never really taken much interest in clothing and frippery. But when he invited me to join him, I suddenly realized that I didn’t have anything worthy of such an event or escort. But Art is of a very kind heart. He offered to conjure me a gown fit for such a setting. You know, I wonder, is he trying to court me and I’m just not practiced enough to recognize a Gentleman of means wooing when I’m so use to free handed sailors or townsmen that think since I’m a woman in breeches and lived on a ship that I must be loose with my favors? It seemed as though he might be, but then I decided that he was just being kind. I couldn’t resist teasing him when he requested privacy to work on conjuring the gown. He did blush a bit. But more so later when he started to work. Such skill he has! He made my garments flow off me and even fold themselves neatly! But again I couldn’t resist teasing when I told him that should another speak of my birthing mark, knowledge that could only come from him, that I’d torment him with a feather and warm honey. Oh, then he did indeed blush! It was so cute!

That gown was simply amazing! It is the shade of the sea at midnight. A deep blue that glimmers in the light. As I sit admiring it now, I’m still enchanted. Funny, that... could he have woven more than just cloth into it? Anyway, it’s so beautiful and I treasure it as a gift I’m unworthy of. And the lovely sound it made as I moved! It almost made me long for the sea again! But the sound was a comfort to nerves. I was soo nervous about going to the wedding. I knew I didn’t really belong there. It was a state wedding! Royalty! And here I was, a deckhand and dressed so finely and on the arm of a gentleman of reputation and high placed friendships! It was like a dream.

The wedding was lovely, especially all the beautiful flowers that Art had arranged. The one he tucked in my hair I’ve placed a spell of keeping around and hidden away in this book, so I might keep it and remember the night. And Des! She was so lovely and her gallant groom! They struck such a picture of happiness and enchantment! Oh! And to hear the Elvish tongue spoken again! My Da occasionally would speak a few words after my Mother passed away. But not very often. I knew he wanted me to know that heritage, but it always made him so sad. But it was a lovely reminder of my parents to hear it spoken.

The night was one of dreams and enchantment. Art such a gallant escort and seeing to my comfort. Translating the Elvish for me, sharing a sip of honeyed ale. Then it all turned into a nightmare....
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The Wedding, Part 2

Post by Jaleeisa »

(( Originally posted 6-17-06 in "The Streets" Folder, Topic: "Venture" ))

Art and I were sitting there enjoying the wedding. I was having so much fun! Then there was this darkness that seemed to swallow me. I’d heard a few speak of the Nexus that seems to roam freely in Rhydin, but had no experience of it myself. I really thought it might just be some local lore, or superstition. Everywhere I’ve ever docked has it’s wealth of such things. Tales to wheedle a free drink from sailors, stories passed down from one person to another until the tale has become so fantastic that it lost the roots it sprang from. Whether those roots be some small oddity that really happened, or some drunken imaginings. But it seems I was wrong and the Nexus was intent on proving itself to me that night.

I was swallowed up and yanked away from that lovely wedding and tossed down into some dark pit of nothing. There was this beast... and me without a single blade. I couldn’t really see it well, but it sounded horrid! Such wheezing and grinding and grumbling! It demanded a boon to be released. It wanted the lovely bloom Art had given me. I refused and told it to do it’s worst if it would. I was trembling so hard my teeth were chattering. I almost gave it the bloom for safe transport back to where I’d been, or at least somewhere I’d recognize. But then I got mad! How dare something just yank me up and away from my friends and my lovely evening! It had no right to kidnap me like that! Then to demand I give it a gift given to me for my release. So I refused. That’s where it really got .. well... weird.

Since I refused it my flower, it demanded I dance a jig and sing it sea songs. I don’t sing well, and the songs I learned aboard are really of the lowest sort.. But it was adament. It was that, the bloom or I would remain there. So, I sang.. And danced. I’m really grateful no one was there to see me, I must have looked ridiculous. My fine gown and dainty heels, and dancing a sailors’ jig and preforming a reel. And singing those bawdy songs! But it kept it’s word and by daybreak I was once more in my room at the Inn. I was exhausted both from fear and anger, as well as those songs and dancing. Not the way I’d imagined being tired earlier in the evening and definitely not the music and dancing I’d looked forward to.

I must remember to write Art a note explaining.. Or I think it might be better to try his shop and explain in person. I wouldn’t want my friend to think I just vanished or deserted him at the wedding.
Last edited by Jaleeisa on Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Wedding, Part 3

Post by Jaleeisa »

(( Originally posted 6-17-06 in "The Streets" Folder, Topic: "Venture" ))

Later that day, another entry was made...

I decided that I might come bearing gifts as well as an apology. So I went shopping and found a finely made wineskin. The shopkeep said for an extra silver that he could have Art's name put on it, for another it would be done in silver. So I paid the price and he said it would be ready later in the afternoon. So I headed for the Inn to try to find something suitable to fill it with. The keep at the time had me sample several different wines and ales and meads. I finally decided on an Elvin wine that left a taste of deep, languorous summer on the tongue, a hint of mint and honey gave it a special flavor. It was truly a fine wine, and expensive as well. But I bought enough to both fill the wineskin and a two bottles, one to add to my gift to Art and another to keep in my room to savor.

After picking up the newly embossed wineskin and having it filled at the Inn, I went by Art’s shop. He wasn’t there, but I left the gifts with a note explaining my disappearance and begging his pardon. I hope he’s not very upset with me. I’d not want to upset one of my few friends in this place.

While I was out, I stopped to check on the notes I’d tacked to the Island and Arena walls in hope of finding a better job. I noticed something I hadn’t before, an old note requesting officials for the duels. I noticed that Brigath was one of those listed to contact, so I left him a note on the Island requesting to be considered. Hopefully something good will come of it. I’m so tired of guarding goods that a theif could hardly want.

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