BACKGROUND – Pre-Starfall Oberon

A figure whose lineage and destiny are as intertwined with the cosmos as the stars themselves.

Moderator: Vincent Veneficus

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Vincent Veneficus
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BACKGROUND – Pre-Starfall Oberon

Post by Vincent Veneficus »


In 1241 BI, several years before the momentous fall of the Radiant Star, the Aetheran people lived in a vastly different reality from what would be known in later eras.

The Aetheran People (1241 BI):
The Aetherans were a distinctive race, with features adapted to their environment. Their dark hair and complexions provided protection against the sun's harsh rays, while their physical prowess and agility made them formidable hunters and warriors. Despite variations within tribes, there was a shared sense of unity in their appearance, reflecting their common ancestry and shared heritage.

Aetheran culture was deeply rooted in tradition and oral history, passed down through generations by storytellers and elders. Each tribe had its own unique customs, beliefs, and rituals, but all shared a profound reverence for nature and the elements. Spirits of the land, sky, and water were revered as guardians and guides, and ceremonies were held to honor and appease them.

The Aetherans led a nomadic lifestyle, following the migratory patterns of the wildlife they hunted and the seasonal cycles of the land. Their survival depended on their intimate knowledge of the environment, from tracking game through dense forests to foraging for edible plants in the wilderness. Basic agriculture supplemented their diet, with crops cultivated in small clearings or communal gardens.

Aetheran society was organized around tribes, each led by a council of elders or chieftains. These leaders were chosen based on their wisdom, experience, or prowess in hunting and warfare, and they convened regularly to make decisions that affected the entire community. Despite occasional disputes or rivalries between tribes, there was a strong sense of solidarity and mutual respect among the Aetherans, binding them together as a unified people.

The World of Oberon (1241 BI):
Oberon was a world of breathtaking beauty and untamed wilderness. Its landscapes ranged from dense, ancient forests teeming with life to vast, windswept plains where herds of majestic creatures roamed. Towering mountains and deep ravines punctuated the landscape, offering both challenges and opportunities for exploration and adventure.

The fauna of Oberon was as diverse as it was awe-inspiring, with creatures adapted to every corner of the planet. Giant predators stalked the forests, while graceful herbivores grazed on the plains. Winged creatures soared through the skies, and aquatic beasts prowled the depths of rivers and lakes. Some species were revered as sacred by the Aetherans, while others were feared as deadly adversaries.

Oberon's climate was influenced by its position in the cosmos and the unique composition of its atmosphere. Seasons changed with the passing of celestial bodies, bringing periods of warmth and abundance followed by cold and scarcity. Aetherans adapted to these fluctuations, migrating with the changing seasons and adjusting their hunting and gathering strategies accordingly. Despite the challenges posed by the environment, Oberon's climate provided ample opportunities for life to thrive and flourish.

Pre-Radiant Star Society:
The Aetherans of this era were deeply spiritual, worshipping the pantheon or various elemental deities and venerating the natural forces that governed their world. Their religious practices were woven into the fabric of daily life, with rituals and ceremonies marking significant events such as births, marriages, and harvests. Elemental spirits were believed to inhabit every aspect of the world, from the soil beneath their feet to the winds that swept across the plains. These spirits were revered as guardians and guides, to be honored and appeased through offerings and prayers.

Despite their primitive technological advancements, the Aetherans were skilled artisans and craftsmen. They fashioned tools and weapons from natural materials like stone, wood, and bone, using techniques passed down through generations. Their creations were not only practical but also imbued with cultural and ceremonial significance, reflecting the deep spiritual connection they had with their environment. In addition to their craftsmanship, the Aetherans were adept at creating intricate clothing, jewelry, and pottery, showcasing their artistic talents and cultural heritage.

Magic Before The Radiant Star:
The Ma'ael:
The Ma'ael were revered individuals within Aetheran tribes who possessed the gift of communing with the elements on a spiritual level. Rather than casting spells in the traditional sense, they communicated with the elemental spirits through rituals, prayers, and offerings.

These spirits were believed to dwell within the natural world, embodying the essence of their respective elements. The Ma'ael viewed them as wise and powerful entities, capable of influencing the forces of nature in profound ways.

When seeking to invoke elemental reactions, the Ma'ael approached the spirits with respect and humility, making specific requests for assistance. Whether it was summoning rain to nourish crops or calming turbulent waters for safe passage, the Ma'ael understood the importance of maintaining a harmonious relationship with the elemental spirits.
The Ba'atel:
The majority of Aetherans, known as the Ba'atel, did not possess the ability to commune directly with the elements. Instead, they relied on the Ma'ael to act as intermediaries on their behalf.

Despite their inability to communicate with the elemental spirits, the Ba'atel held the Ma'ael in high esteem, recognizing the crucial role they played in maintaining the tribe's balance and harmony with nature. The Ma'ael's guidance and assistance were invaluable in ensuring the tribe's well-being and prosperity.

Cultural Impact:
The Ma'ael held a revered position within Aetheran society, serving as spiritual leaders, healers, and advisors to tribal leaders. Their wisdom and abilities were respected by all, and their counsel was sought in matters both mundane and sacred.

The practice of communing with the elements was guided by the principles of balance and harmony. The Ma'ael understood that their interactions with the elemental spirits must be conducted with reverence and caution, lest they upset the delicate equilibrium of the natural world. Through their efforts, they strove to maintain a symbiotic relationship with the elements, ensuring the well-being of their people and the world around them.

Aetherans of this era lived in a world where magic was inseparable from spirituality and the natural order of things. The Ma'ael acted as mediators between the physical realm and the elemental spirits, guiding their people in living in harmony with the forces of nature. Theirs was a society built on reverence, respect, and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things.
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