New Enemies.....New Allies

Twins with a shadowed past make their way in a world where they've never felt welcome by any save those who taught them what they know.

Moderators: Sylus Kurgen, Artemus Kurgen

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Sylus Kurgen
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Post by Sylus Kurgen »

Arrow held point up, five words, spoken in a tonal language Sylus did not understand, rolled off of Xenograg’s tongue. Rising from his chair the he slowly opened his palm and let the arrow float in the air, turning in all three dimensions before finally setting on one singular point.

“You’re that way…” Xeno motioned to the arrow as it pointed towards the southwest, and towards the ground. “This is a magical compass to you.”

“So just grab the arrow and take it with m---” Sylus trailed off as his mentor continued to speaks.

“But by taking it with you, the arrow becomes a marker instead.” Extending his hand, Xeno continued to speak. “When you get back, hide it well. You can bury it without fear of the soil hindering the marker’s function.”

Releasing the General’s hand, Sylus’ eyes remained on the arrow; his salvation was at had after months of confinement. “Hiding it shouldn’t be too hard since this batch of bloodsuckers isn’t too independent of Rayven’s will, unless the vamps are gossiping like a bunch of old maids that is.” Muttering under his breath, Sylus took the arrow before turning eyes back onto his teacher.

“Who else is willing to help you?”

Eyes going thoughtful, Sylus scanned his mind for those that would be ready and willing to come to his aid in this time of need. “Alais would in a heart beat. But with all of the things going on with the Emerald Isle, I don’t want to give her more problems than she already has, though I suspect the home she was building there is going to be her final refuge.” Sylus was not entirely sure how he would like living around all those dragons, because he knew if she moved there to stay; he would follow. Forcing his mind out of this train of dark thought, he focused on the question at hand. “Besides you and Alais, the only other people who know of my plight are Tass and Tele. But I’m not sure how willing they would be to come and save me.”

“What of your brother? Would he help?”

Sylus was prepared for this part of the meeting, but being prepared and actually having to deal with it came to be two separate things. Despite the fact that he was no longer Artemus’s only family, he was not entirely sure if his brother would aid him. Sylus would have liked to think so, but the truth of the matter was that he absolutely had no idea. “He probably would, since I’m the only family he has besides Amaris. He may not like me, but he has to know that life would be harder without me around.” It was the best answer he could actually give under the circumstances, and Sylus certainly hoped it was true.

“I will seek them out and ask, but this may take a few days. How are you holding up?”

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

“String him up so that everyone can see the ritual.” Rayven’s voice ripped him from the flashback of that night so many weeks ago.

Thick silver chains bound his wrists and ankles as he was hoisted from the ground, to dangle like a worm on a hook over the dais they had erected. Hands gripped his shirt and tore it from his torso as chilled water was dumped over him, a cloth scrubbing away dirt and grime that had been accrued from his time locked in his cell.

“Just because half of him is a filthy mongrel doesn’t mean he has to smell like one.” Rayven’s words were met with laughter and nods of approval as well as several sneers from the disgust many vampires of this coven held towards lycanthropes.

He scanned over the room, amber eyes marking the multiple exits in the room more from habit than any idea of escape. Though he was glad it was on the way.

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