Twilight Nights

Twilight of the Gods, Duel of Magic's premier annual team dueling event.
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The Frozen Wasteland

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Location: Twilight Isle and under the stars

Twilight Nights

Post by Dawnblade »

Strange things forests can bring. Venalia Dawnblade could not help but feel somewhat at peace. The trees surrounded her from all ends; their trucks acting as towering pillars which reached up to the very heavens. Within the comfort of the behemoths, the Highborne relaxed against a wide oak. While the Isle may never leave the light of perpetual Twilight, her body at least knew that within the outside realms — darkness had loomed. While others slept, Venalia could not ease herself into slumber so readily. Be a part of the first expedition to Ragnarok Island! The talk of much of Twilight Isle — Venalia read those words during a short trip to the rings and found herself pondering the idea of joining. Some sort of event had been transpiring on the isle, and while Venalia did not know for sure, a dreadful feeling of dread loomed.

Goblins. Tiny green beasts. Such creatures could never be trusted. They seemed so busy with their new activities with the recently blasted mountain pass that Venalia had found herself studying them from a distance from time to time. Even now, the trees of the forest, seemed to find discomfort with their activities, or could it have been something more? Venalia had been so out of touch with nature — she could not know for sure; but what connection she did have, she knew that something had ailed them. Perhaps, that alone, had been the reason why her thoughts drifted back to the talk of expedition, the talk of a tournament.

The Highbornes eyes turned to the campsite in the distance. Saieniel laid there resting. It was why Venalia decided to relocate further into the forest so that she would not disturb the sleeping woman. Surly she could ask her to join in on the task of visiting the new Ragnarok Isle, but she had also known that the other elf had not been as magically inclined as she. While the shortcomings of Sai had not bothered Venalia, outside of mild disappointment when the woman should lose within the dueling rings, nevertheless did Venalia worry that something could befall the Moon Elf should she venture along with her to this strange new island.

"She would be better among the trees and studying her new trinket." Venalia said in a quiet voice. The Highborne had never thought that she would grow to worry of another within this new realm; so far from the mist-hidden Old World which made her home. Yet Saieniel had proven such thoughts wrong. That was why Venalia could not see to possibly put the woman in harms way by taking her to the isle. Who else then? Who could she consider taking on as possible teammates to this strange, new island? One thought had occurred to her...

Even now, in the far east, she felt the twinge of pain from the trees which fell upon the edges of The Dead Wastes; where self-made tower dubbed `The Tower of Death` still lingered within the harsh, ruined lands. Venalia had heard rumors of an artifact lingering there, but she had not yet dared entered where mindless undead might still band together in small clusters. Not a coward for shunning such ideas, she was simply not foolish enough to run headfirst into a possible trap. But isn't this expedition to Ragnarok Isle be just the same? Venalia had been left to ponder that while also taking into mind just who frequented The Dead Wastes currently. A duelist who had achieved the rank of Mage within the same All-Ranks Tournament that Venalia, herself, had won.

"She could make a valuable ally." Venalia muttered quietly. The Valkyrie and her seemed to be on good terms with one another — it could be simple to usher her into the idea of an alliance between the two of them. "But who else?" the question left her lips. "We would need another who knows not only magic, but one who could stand the force of this new isle should we be pinned by the unknown." At first it had been Saieniel who came to mind, but Venalia quickly turned away from the idea with a worried release of a breath. No. She told herself. I would see that Sai stays safe, here. Then who would fit the bill? Venalia had known of enough strong willed warriors that filled the ranks of all three sports; even if the connection between the Duel of Magic and the other two made the list much, much shorter.

One did come to mind. "Her ego will be an issue.." Venalia could admit to her own, but perhaps this warriors might have paled hers by comparison. "But she could prove as useful as the other, should she be willing to join.." Venalia thought this over more, but all of them came back to the same conclusion. It would not hurt to reach out and ask. While her second choice may not hold much rank within the sport, she could perhaps teach the woman a trick or two when it came to the arts of the arcane.

"The third.." This seemed to be the one where Venalia found herself drawn to a blank. Who could she choose? The Highborne allowed her head to tilt and press back against the tree which she leaned upon. The quiet murmurs of the forest filling not only her ears, but her spirit as well. "Perhaps someone new.. Whose true strength has yet to be seen." The dim glow of her eyes fading as they closed. Venalia drew in a calming breath. "Like a young tree, we must tend to those who have not yet proven themselves, is that what you are saying?" The whispers of the forest caused her ears to tingle; or was it just her own thoughts telling her this? A student of the arcane and a child of the forest. She could not help but question one or the other — it is how mages are. Always questioning. Those wayward questions could be answered later. Her decision had been made as she chose to listen to the suggestion.

The trees stirred and Venalia's eyes fell open. The sight of a young azure whelp fluttered from the treeline as came to land upon Venalia's chest. Like a child happy to see its mother, the young dragon burrowed its head against the Highbornes breast. Venalia set a hand to gently brush along the folded wings and scales. "Koragosa," Venalia began. The young dragon cooed at hearing her own name. The newly hatched whelp raised its head so that it now brushed against Venalia's jaw "You will watch over Saieniel, yes?" the Highborne asked while smiling lightly. Koragosa, the young dragon, chirped in response. A little loud at that! Venalia pressed a single finger to the small ones nose. "Not so loud, she's sleeping." The azure whelp swiveled its head some then turned in the direction of the camp site. With a slow nod, it understood. "Something we should be doing as well." Venalia's tired words left her lips.

An arm curved under the small dragons form to keep it from falling while the Highborne rose to stand. Both would now venture back to camp site. Quiet and thoughtful footsteps brought her about fallen leaves and twigs. No sound was meant to be made, except for her own questioning murmurs and the low crackle of the dim fire. "Ragnarok Isle.." Venalia voiced quietly to herself. "What will become of this?"
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