Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log (2017)

Seek the places where light meets dark, there you will find tales of inexplicably intertwined realms both near and far.

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Clara Wyatt
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Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log (2017)

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date Mismatch. Unknown Generation Date…

///Geolocation: Rhy’Din City, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed...

“Oh hey, it’s working!” The camera fought to focus, first on the ceiling and then on the cautiously optimistic face of the girl holding the device. When the display finally showed it had focused fully, a brilliant grin broke out across the teenager’s face. She seemed to be sitting on the edge of a neatly made bed in a dim but clean inn room. Her charcoal grey flight suit was only mostly zipped, exposing a plain white tank top underneath.

“So… I’m not really sure if this feed can reach home, but I’m gonna try anyways. Hopefully I’m not just filling up the memory on this thing. Dad, I told you I need the three point oh.” Clara affects quite the pout for the camera but it fades quickly with a lick of her lips and a deep breath.

“Anyways, I’m somewhere and I don’t know how to get back just yet. But I’m working on it! The guys at Stars End are trying to help as best as they can, but the technology I’ve got with me is ahead of what they’re used to… so the parts I’m needing, they’re trying to import for me.” She looked up at the ceiling and took another slow breath to keep her countenance steady and calm. It was easier said than done.

“It’s April twenty-first… just like it was at home… but I seem to have ended up in twenty-seventeen. Crazy, right? But let me explain before you get mad. We were working with the replicator… and before you freak out, we were only going to trip to Arabrab. Just to get away for a few hours, I swear! But then… I ended up here instead. I thought I had it calibrated right… or maybe I didn’t, I don’t know.” Raking her teeth across her bottom lip, Clara works her jaw, blinking rapidly a few times. A quiet sniff can be heard but she holds off her frustration for the time being.

“I ended up at the Red Dragon. I’m staying here until I can figure things out. Not really sure if I doubled back on my own line or if I ended up in another one. It’s kind of too early to tell. It’d be easier if it were the former, right? But more dangerous? I’m trying really hard to be careful. I’m not saying too much about things, not stepping on butterflies and such. It sounds like at the very least it’s one where big Addie is. People keep saying I look like her, it’s hard to play oblivious.” The teenager leans forward to adjust the camera’s positioning, picking it up so she can sit back on the inn room’s creaky bed.

“I saw Malik’s mom when I first got here. She was at the bar drinking… at noon. I tried to get her to stop and maybe drink some water instead but she wasn’t really having any of that. I’m really bad at being dissuasive, I guess. She called me a spoiled brat… but she was still nice enough to give me a bit of silver to get out to Stars End. I just got back from there actually. I’ll have to go back out tomorrow, I think. I could’ve stayed out there for a bit cheaper than I could here in town, but Dad would totally have a freak out if I were staying there by myself.” It’s been a long day, she can’t help but look tired. One hand rubs over her mouth to smother a yawn.

“I think I’m gonna hit bed though. Tomorrow’s a new day and I’ll be home soon. If you guys can see this, I love you all very, very much and I’ll see you before long. Mwah!” She blew a kiss to the camera. After that it was turned sideways as she felt for the stop button. The last frame is a sideways view of a slightly dismayed frown.

///End Feed.
Last edited by Clara Wyatt on Wed Mar 23, 2022 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Clara Wyatt
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Re: Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date: Manual Override. April 22nd, 2017. 2330.

///Geolocation: Rhy’Din City, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed…

The camera clicks on with Clara square in the middle of the frame. The charcoal grey flightsuit of the prior video has been switched out for a drab grey t-shirt that made the silver flecks in her eyes look a tiny bit brighter. Her hair was a bit of a mess but otherwise she looked better rested and more relaxed than the day before.

“Day two and my first full day here. Gotta say, I’m itching to get home. I met some cool people but they also reminded me that Beltane’s coming up and I promised my... friends I would go with them.” There’s a faint touch of pink in her cheeks and with a soft clearing of her throat, she glances away from the camera then back again.

“I hope someone at home can see this. While I’m not sure it’ll help any of you all or if it helps me or anything like that… it’s at least some sort of minor comfort to think that you at least have some sort of reassurance that I’m okay. And I am okay, so that’s… good right? Um… what else. I went back out to the spaceport again today. We picked through a few salvage yards to see if we could find what I needed, but I think we’re going to have to order it. The little piece that they thought would fix it initially didn’t do the trick.” Chewing her lip, she paused for a few moments to sort through her thoughts.

“The omega transistor is acting odd and even manually overriding the temporal data didn’t seem to fix it. But I’m staying calm for now. Because… a level head and a steady hand gets you through turbulence while panicking leaves you nose down in the wreckage.” They were words she had been told many a time before while learning how to fly and she repeated them with a quiet conviction reiterated in the steel of her gaze and the firm set of her jaw.

“I stopped by the Welcome Center too. So my room is paid for here through the week and I have a little bit of silver in my pocket to hopefully get me by. Um, the really nice tender downstairs had ice cream for tonight. Mom and Dad, I know you guys would disapprove of me eating ice cream for dinner but it was pretty great, I can’t lie.” Her grin blazes, just for a moment as she makes the admission. Thankfully the microphone on the recorder can’t pick up the subtle growl of her stomach.

“After that I made a few friends my age. There was… um… Ed who had a really cool sweater.” She ticked the name off with a lift of a finger. “And Trick, who is, I think Ed’s boyfriend. He races.” A second finger lifted. “And there was a girl with them, I think her name was Mal.” Three fingers up. “I didn’t really talk to her much but she reminded me of the Weavers in Amberhelm. But they were all kinda young like me, which was cool. Normally that place is full of old people.”

“There was also this really nice girl named Layla. She’s an artist. Like an real one with a display at a gallery and everything. We got to talk for a little bit, which was rad. She’s from Egypt on Earth, like from the myths Mom always tells us about. More modern though, evidently things aren’t so great there right now so she came here. Likes it fair enough. We’re going to Stars End together tomorrow to watch the race that Trick is going to be in. The port’s got that big screen still and they broadcast the podraces. You remember those things, Dad? It’s going to be way cool.” Rambling until she runs out of air, Clara pauses to suck in a deep breath, instantly derailing her train of thought.

“Ummmmmmmm, what else? Hoping for good news tomorrow. Other than that I think that’s all I’ve got. If you guys can hear this and know how to reach me, it’s April twenty-second, twenty-seventeen. I am in room two-eighteen at the Red Dragon Inn. Malik was with me before I left but he’s not here now, so if he’s there… please tell him I’m very sorry. And, um, I’ll try my best to be back before Beltane, so tell Jake, Juneichi, LL, and the others not to worry and that I’ll be home soon.” She puts on a brave smile and nods firmly once.

“Love and miss you all. See you soon.” With a quiet kiss blown, she waves to the camera then reaches over it to turn it off.

///End Feed.
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Clara Wyatt
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Re: Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date: Manual Override. April 24th, 2017. 2316.

///Geolocation: Rhy’Din City, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed…

The camera clicks on, showing an empty chair, likely at a desk or some other sort of table. Behind that, the bed is neatly made with almost militarily precise creases. After a moment, the frame wiggles, Clara slides into view, and plops down into the chair with a sigh. The straps of a white tank top are crisp against her slightly tanned shoulders. Today she looks tired, a fact that is accented by the slight frown and the slump of her posture.

“Well… I was going to log yesterday but I got caught up doing other stuff. Yesterday we took a transpo out to the spaceport so that I could check in with the yard and also so we could watch that race. The race was fun! The guy we were watching for took third place and he’s, like, super young. He looked way younger than a lot of the other racers, so that was pretty neat. It’ll be cool to be that good at something someday.” Ruffling a hand through her hair, she worked through her thoughts and the tangles in her locks in one go, her gaze cast off to the side of the camera’s lens.

“The news wasn’t so great other than that though. I was right about the transistor. That along with the main logic board are both close to shot so we’ve got to replace those. The logic board will be easy enough, those are a dime a dozen out there. But the omega core in the transistor apparently is a little difficult to get ahold of… at least in this time. They don’t come cheap either. My credit chit card doesn’t work, to top it off. Evidently the account doesn’t exist yet, so I’ve got nothing there.” Looking into the camera, the apprehension limned her fatigue, dragging the bubbly girl down until she was slumped in the seat. She leaned forward, setting her elbows onto the table and slightly jarring the positioning of the camera. One hand reached out to straighten it before she continued.

“I’m not really sure how to pay for it. I’m gonna come up with a way… I just don’t know if I’ll make it back in time for Beltane after all. I’m really sorry,” she said into the camera. For a moment, just a moment, her bottom lip quivered. Quickly she sucked it in between her teeth and bit down, cutting the wobble of it short before her composure could dissolve further.

“That’s really all I wanna talk about for yesterday. Today… today was just downright weird. I don’t even know what to say about it. I met these two people at the Inn. One girl, Lindy, has this super blue hair. It reminds me of Juneichi’s big sister, it’s so pretty. The other one, um, his name’s Sain,” she said with a faint blush in her cheeks, “and he’s got this hint of an accent that’s kind of neat. Irish, I think. Anyways… they were really nice. Um, Sain noticed my focus rings.” She held up her left hand for the camera. Stacked at varying intervals along her finger joints were rings made of different metals and thicknesses. A moment later her hand dropped so she could continue.

“He wanted me to show him what I could do with them. So we went down to the market to find some space for it. Now, I know what you’re thinking, it’s not very smart to go walking by myself with a guy I just met. But it was a Monday evening, the weather was nice, and my blaster was fully charged and in my backpack. Anyways. We talked a lot about magic and auric energy. He doesn’t exactly use magic… which, I’ll get to the why momentarily, but instead uses something kinda like the Chi magic that Mom talks about during healing.” Puffing up her cheeks, she paused for a moment for the sake of getting thoughts of her parents out of her head.

“I gave him a little demo of some of the stores in my rings, mostly the fire devil that likes to eat electricity. That was fun until I burst a powerline… oops. Anyways, he kind of came up with an idea that I think I’d like to explore more when I get home. And that is, like, using diagrams when it comes to my spells to better control them and fine tune them. That way they can be tweaked, kind of like a machine and then I can govern their abilities with formulas to make them more precise. Make it less abstract.” Abstraction was a difficult concept for her, as evidenced by the failing grades in some of her magic classes. The idea had her perking slightly, if only for the intrigue that recalling it brought about. Any elation soon dropped though, deflating just as quickly as it had arrived.

“From there he showed me how he uses something called Qi energy to make himself and other things stronger. Like, he made his shirt as hard as steel. It was like he could wear armor without all of the bulk. And the best part of it is that this is a learned ability. It’s not some special god or mantle given right, it’s all practice. I wasn’t sure at first… because um, Sain is, or was, a Mage Hunter before coming to Rhy’Din.” Sucking at her teeth, she gave the camera an even look, almost as if she were expecting a reaction from it. But then she reminded herself that this was a one way thing rather than a true video call so she sighed and continued.

“That said, he’s learned since coming here that not all magic users are bad. He didn’t hurt me, so don’t worry. But… he has this sword from his time as a mage hunter. It’s, um. Well, let me start from the beginning of what happened. So, he was showing me what he can do with his auric energy stuff, right? Well, he was demonstrating how you can funnel that into an object to get a little more distance on the effect. To do so, he used his sword, loaded it with energy and threw it across the courtyard. Not thinking, I went over to try and pull it out of the wall it was stuck in. It was… it was just so cool, I wasn’t thinking.” Clara sat back in her seat and looked down at her hands. The right was free of the same rings that the left wore.

“The sword devours magical energy. Whether it’s latent or manifested through a focus or weapon. As soon as I grabbed the blade, I knew I messed up. It was like… how do I describe it. Like cold fire running through my veins? Maybe? It hurt, but more importantly it scared me because I couldn’t let go. I went to try and pull my hand away with my other hand. Um, I guess I didn’t realize it at the time, but I activated one of my damper bands. That seemed to cut off the connection long enough for me to let go…” The fingers of her right hand curled and uncurled, still stiff from the run in. The camera was angled just enough to pick up a faint hint of black on her skin at certain joints and near three of the knuckles.

“It short circuited my rings, totally drained ‘em. He said that it takes a lot for the blade to ignore the seal it has that typically avoids reactions like that. I figure it was just how much I had stored in the foci, but he thought it might be more than that. I don’t know. All I know is I’m really tired and today has kind of sucked. I like meeting new people but when those new people have magic eating swords… not so much. So, it’s late, and I have to be up early to catch the shuttle out to Stars End again, I’m gonna hit the hay. This is Clara Wyatt, signing out.” She gave the camera a tired smile and a wave of a slightly singed hand before she reached forward to turn it off.

///End Feed.
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Clara Wyatt
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Re: Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date: Manual Override. April 25th, 2017. 2258.

///Geolocation: Rhy’Din City, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed…

The video feed flickers twice then opens to focus on Clara’s frowning face. She’s sitting on her bed, the worn wooden headboard supporting her slouching back. In shades of grey, she wore the charcoal of her flight suit, one shoulder drooping down her arm. Underneath was a plain ash grey shirt that fit well enough it didn’t slump. The camera was set on her drawn up knees, just slightly crooked as she came into view.

“Another day, another bust. I’m trying really hard not to get down about things but I really miss everyone and I want to come home. I don’t like having the answers or what I need in order to make things better. Still… I’m being careful about what I do and what I say and such. I promise I’m doing everything I can to minimize my impact here… because I really do want to come back home. Sooner rather than later. And I want it to be the home I left. So I’m keeping my head down, trying to figure out how much money it’s going to take to replace what I need, and I’ll be back before you know it.” She exhaled softly and licked her lips, quiet for a moment as she decided what else to say.

“I’ve known some of the people I’ve seen… it’s weird seeing them younger. Like… I ran into Uncle Kruger tonight down at the inn’s bar. He was drunk, or at least partway there. I’m not really sure what was up… but you know how people deal with their problems here. Deny it’s an issue and drink it away, that works right? I don’t really get it. Your problem’s still there the next morning and you have a headache to boot. Not… not as though I know anything about that, if you’re watching, Mom and Dad.” Clara cleared her throat and glanced away, the epitome of guilt before she looked back.

“I got him to sign a napkin… it’s in my backpack. Two actually. One for me, one for… heh, Uncle K when I get back. How weird will that be? Or maybe it’s a bad idea. I don’t know… it sounded good at the time and it gave me a chance to swap his beer for something less hangovery. He offered to tell me a story. Ad, do you remember when he would tell us all stories when we were little?” Her smile turned wistful, pulled crooked by a bite of her teeth against the edge of her lip.

“He told me about how the Red Dragon Inn was formed by the Nexus even before Rhydin was a planet. Then the planet formed around the building. But I remember the one he told Adelaide a few times, your favorite one, remember?” Pausing, she nodded once she decided to ramble it off. “There once was a little girl who was friends with the moon. They talked almost every night but as she got older, they talked less and less and as this happened, the moon became smaller and smaller. Eventually… eventually it disappeared completely! It left the night so terribly dark and the girl, she fell into a deep, dark pool. Now, why she was wandering around a pool at night, I dunno. But that’s neither here nor there.” Ahemming, she went on.

“She couldn’t reach the top or the sides so she cried. She cried and she cried until this man appeared and reached down to pull her free. Me, myself, and I think that her parents should have taught her how to swim so she doesn’t have to rely on random hot guys walking in the dark near pools, but you know, that’s just me. Anyways. She wanted to know who her handsome savior was and he goes… ‘Don’t you recognize me? I’m the Moon’. Of course Uncle K does the voices, that’s what makes them the best. The girl asked the Moon why he had left the sky and the Moon goes, ‘You stopped talking to me,’ so the Moon left the sky so he could come all the way to Rhydin to see her and make sure she was okay.

“The girl was terribly sorry about this, of course, but you know life goes as you get older. Still, Mister Moon forgave her. The girl then asked him if he would stay with her forever but the Moon couldn’t. This made the girl so very sad so finally the Moon asked, ‘Do you truly want to be with me forever?’ and the girl nodded. So she took his hand and they walked together, right back up to the sky. And so, thanks to romanticized kidnapping, there are now two moons in the sky. The end.” Clara exhaled, breathless. Still, the retelling had lifted a renewed smile to her face.

“He mentioned going to St. Luke’s… I assume Mom still works there now. I hadn’t realized. But I at least know to avoid the area so I don’t run into her. She wouldn’t know who I am even if I did… so Mama, if you’re listening, I love you to the moons and back. I hope to see you soon. Daddy too, and the rest of you. Um, I’m gonna go to bed now. Talk to you tomorrow.” She blew a kiss, waved, and clicked off the camera.

///End Feed.
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Clara Wyatt
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Re: Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date: Manual Override. April 27th, 2017

///Geolocation: Rhy’Din City, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed…

The camera clicked on just in time to catch the tail end of a wide yawn from a tired Clara. She sat on her bed, slouching against the headboard with the camera propped up on the nightstand beside her. “It’s Thursday… I’ve now been here a full week and I don’t think I’m any closer to getting home than I was when I first got here. Well. Maybe. I spent yesterday and most of today out at Stars End. By now I’m probably annoying the guys at the junkyard and the parts shop but I’m nothing if not tenacious, right?”

“There’s one, his name’s Touk’ob and he says I’m a royal pain in the ass. Which I am, but that’s neither here nor there. The important part is that he gave me a couple silver to run a delivery for him. I did it super fast so when I got back, he gave me a few more for being so quick. I was able to hit this cute little consignment store on the edge of town and pick up a few things so I’m not living in the same outfit and a half constantly.” Her fingers plucked at the visible knee of the olive drab cargo pants she was wearing. They were almost holey in the knees but otherwise seemed to be in rather good condition for their secondhand status.

“So yesterday and today, I pestered him into giving me a few more runs like that. One of the people I had to deliver to, Chip, offered to pay me to make a run for him too. All in all, I think I made like… fifteen back and forth deliveries between various shops and bays and came out with a little over two hundred silver for it. It’s not a lot, but it’s something. The Welcome Center only gave me enough for a week’s stay at the Inn, so this’ll definitely help. I could probably find a cheaper inn if I had to, but this one’s close to the transpo stop and honestly… I’m hoping maybe if someone finds a way to come help me get home, the Red Dragon will be the easiest place for them to find me.” Her grin was wry, unsure in the way it wavered. Clara took a deep breath and thought for a few moments.

“What else, what else. For a bit I thought that maybe I might want to learn this magic trick where you can phase through things… but then someone pointed out that sometimes you run through other people when you do that. And not all people are particularly pleasant to walk through. So… we’re going to go ahead and scratch that off the list of things Clara wants to learn.” She made a motion of marking something off an invisible list with an equally invisible pen.

“It was pretty cool talking to him, his name’s Mist. He can make these little bubbles full of glitter so I call him the Sparkle God.” She held a hand out toward the camera to show that there was still a smear of sparkle across her fingertips. “I wish I could make glitter bubbles. Trick, that’s the podracer, wasn’t much a fan, but his boyfriend Ed at least knows glitter is awesome. The two of them got a little kitty, just a fluffy little baby thing. I totally miss Shadowcat… and maybe even Freya too. Dumb old dog that she is. Don’t tell Addie I said that.”

“I made some other friends too… Morgan and Eri and they were really nice too. I think, um, they or at least Morgan, was what Dad would call… rough around the edges maybe? Kept going on about how I need to rebel and stuff. Mostly I just wanna get home. Then maybe I’ll think about that. Maybe.” Clara gave the camera a smile and brushed her hand back through her hair, smudging glitter through her dark locks. Finally she shrugged.

“I dunno. I feel like I’m rambling at this point… I think some part of me is scared I might forget it when I come back. It’d be cool to at least make this educational, you know? Have some memories and the like. The rest of me hopes someone, somewhere can hear this. If you can, please help? Send me, like, a sign or money or maybe just come get me? I’m ready to come home.” Her voice cracked a little, causing her to pause and clear her throat. “Anyways. I’m gonna go to bed. Like always, I love and miss you all. Clara, out.”

///End Feed.
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Clara Wyatt
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Re: Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date: Manual Override. April 29th, 2017. 2135.

///Geolocation: Rhy’Din City, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed…

The room was dark save for a wedge of light from the open bathroom door just out of the frame. It cut a definitive line of light and dark across Clara’s face. Judging by the angle and the spread of her dark hair around her head, she was laying down and holding the camera up above her head.

“Today I really miss my friends.” There was a damp glimmer in the corners of her eyes, wiped away with a sweep of her hand. “It’s Beltane and I should be home with you all. Everyone’s at the fires and I’m here. By myself. In my room and going to bed at nine o’clock on a Saturday night just so I don’t have to think about it. I don’t even care who gets crowned queen because it’s all ancient history.”

Clara went quiet for a few moments, the camera shifting and adjusting as she wiped her eyes with the back of her arm. A quiet sniffle was picked up in the process. “This is so freaking dumb. I just wanna go home…”

///End Feed.
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Clara Wyatt
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Re: Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date: Manual Override. April 30th, 2017. 1605.

///Geolocation: Rhy’Din City, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed…

In a stark contrast to the video prior, the camera clicked on to a room full of natural light and Clara front and center, a smile on her face. Her eyes were still just slightly puffy from the day before but otherwise she looked much happier than she had been. “I ran into Camellia today here at the inn. She’s a lot younger than I remember her. Which is funny, considering she is what she is. Like plenty of others, she said I looked really familiar. That I looked like her friend. I think I’m getting a little better at brushing it off without being awkward. Because, you know, sometimes people look like famous people. It happens, right?”

“She talked about how she’s technically almost four… but physically she’s, like, twenty-one almost. Rhy’Din’s so messed up. I only told her I’m gonna be seventeen in November. I didn’t tell her that here I haven’t even been born yet. It’s like… some weird Back to the Future stuff, ya know? There was another girl there who’s about the same age as Cam, but looked, like, thirteen. So yeah, weird.” Her dark hair had been braided over one shoulder and with a flick of her fingers she pushed it back over the ridge of her shoulder to hang down her back instead.

“It was sorta tense for a few moments there… I think Cam could tell I was uncomfortable. Thankfully we moved on though. You know how she always seems to end up in the broom closet at the Red Dragon? Well, evidently that’s a thing here too. I told her about the utility room at Stars End… maybe soon the Nexus will drop me there so I don’t have to keep paying for the shuttle out to the port.” Clara licked her lips and looked off to the side for a moment, her mouth twisting with a wry half smile.

“I don’t think I’m very good at this whole… taking care of myself independently thing. I guess, um, I guess I didn’t realize just how expensive the little things are. I’m trying really hard to save everything I’m making on these little errand jobs, but it’s costing me ten silver round trip to get to and from the port. Plus I’ve got to keep my room paid for. There are slightly cheaper rooms out at the port that I could get but at least here at the inn there are tenders that bring food and sometimes you can find something to eat in the kitchen downstairs. So… I’m still figuring out what’ll be best. It’s hard to beat free food.” It had been less than two weeks but she was almost sure that her pants were fitting a little looser than before. Still the apples of her cheeks rounded with youthful good health when she smiled so it was easy to convince the camera that all was well for the most part.

“Cam says it could be worse though. I wasn’t really sure if it could, but she pointed out that everything could be on fire… which I suppose is a legitimate point. There are also alternate times that are likely worse too. So there’s that, I guess. I’m really trying my best to make sure I stay positive. Otherwise I think I may very well go crazy. Oh, speaking of the little things adding up… I’m getting a phone. Just one of those cheap little old school flippy phones, like you see in the antique electronics museum. But it’ll be enough for people to get ahold of me for work or errand runs and stuff. I’m thinking of it as an investment. Hopefully it pays off. So I’m gonna go do that while it’s still light out. Love and miss you guys, hope to see you soon.” As always, she blew a kiss, waved, and turned the camera off.

///End Feed.
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Clara Wyatt
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Re: Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date: Manual Override. May 1st, 2017. 2250.

///Geolocation: Rhy’Din City, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed…

The camera clicked on to Clara sporting a fading bruise along her jawline and a wildly breathless grin.

“I tried the dueling thing. I’m not very good at it but it was pretty cool. I, um, sorta got my butt kicked but oh well.” She gestured vaguely to the bruise before shrugging and continuing. “I dueled this guy named E and Uncle Kruger’s the one who called it. He gave me a funny look beforehand, I don’t really know what it was about, but he at least made it fun with his calls.”

“The tender serving tonight had carne asada tacos. Tacos. On a Monday! It’s great. I’m a pretty big fan of not restricting tacos to Tuesdays. Though,” Clara paused to giggle. “She gave one to Andu and he’s a big, like, minotaur almost. You guys know him. But they’re distantly related to cows and… oh goddess above, she was going to give him beef tacos.”

She lost it all over again, laughing until she had to turn and tip her giggle-fit into her pillow. For a few moments she smothered the laughter until she regained her composure and sat back up. Already the bruise on her face had faded further thanks to the nanites in her blood rapidly carrying restorative cells to replace the damaged ones. A few deep breaths were taken as she tried not to crack up again.

“Anyways. Um, before all of that, I spent the day out at Stars End. Part of it was sifting through the yard for anything we might be able to repurpose in place of the omega core. So far we’ve been unsuccessful in locating one even far away to buy. Even if we did, we’re talking several thousand silver, if not more, depending on how far it is and what it takes to get it here. So… we thought with all of the alien technologies around here that we might be able to find another temporal manipulator that would allow us to make the same changes and reverse my path.” Her mouth ticked into a frown to go with the furrow of her brows.

“No luck so far, but it’s at least something to do while we wait. I hate just sitting on my hands and hoping for something to fall into my lap. Otherwise I picked up a few parts runs for the workshops out there. Touk’ob thinks I could get away with bumping up my fee a bit. He says it’s still a better value than the flat rates charged by the delivery droids and I’m faster than all but the aerial drones.” Clara sucked at her bottom lip thoughtfully, shrugged, and went on.

“I might… maybe just a few extra silver, you know? The more that I can save, the sooner I can hopefully buy what I need. Plus it’ll make staying in the city a little bit easier. Um… what else. Oh! Touk’ob randomly suggested stopping by the Churchill-Yumang’s place there at the port. I’m, uh, I’m not so sure I want to do that quite yet. But maybe soon. They pioneered the Psi-tech that made the omega mainstream, right? I just don’t know… how far from that they are. So… we’ll play it by ear, try to find an alternative and hope it doesn’t break the bank. Love you guys to the moons and back. Talk to you soon.” A lift of her hand and a split of her fingers gave them a peace sign to go with her smile just before she reached out to turn the camera off.

///End Feed.
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Clara Wyatt
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Re: Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date: Manual Override. May 2nd, 2017. 1300.

///Geolocation: Rhy’Din City, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed…

The camera clicked on, out of focus and bobbing up and down as Clara walks. The passing scenery, as things comes into view, indicated she was somewhere near the Marketplace’s center.

“Hello! Today I decided to make my log in the middle of the day, well, late afternoon actually, and to do it while I was out and about. I didn’t go to Stars End today because they didn’t have a lot going on, so I did some stuff around town and hung out at the inn for a bit. Now I’m back out for a bit. I’m thinking about lunch and I have a little bit of silver to spare in my pocket, so while I think about what I want, I’m going to talk to you.” Holding the camera in front of her, she was oblivious to the odd looks she was getting from passersby.

“This morning after I went to the library, I stopped at this fruit stand to get some breakfast. An apple a day, right? Anyways, their point of sale system was having issues so I asked if I could take a look at it. I was paying in cash but still, maybe I could help. They had it programmed funny and had a short to boot. But with a little rewire and a quick code override, it was even better than new. The lady working the stand said her husband had messed it up awhile ago and she was so happy that it was fixed that she gave me thirty silver. That’s, like, twice what I get from a parts run right now.” Just barely detectable, the jingle of coins in her pocket was picked up by the camera’s microphone. It was much louder for Clara, a fact that had her grinning further as she walked.

“There were a few new faces when I went to the Inn. They evidently weren’t, like, new-new, but I had never met them before. They were nice, friendly… easy to talk to. It was lovely. I told them about dementors and we played a game of Would You Rather. Someone would present two equally undesirable situations and you had to say which you would rather be faced with. That was some interesting stuff right there. It definitely makes you think. Not everything can be sunshine and daisies and sometimes we have to pick between what we think is the lesser of two evils.” Switching the camera from one hand to another, she turned a corner and continued on her way.

“So, there was Alex and Jonigan and Shae, then Trick showed up after a little bit. He broke his arm, evidently punched something… I dunno, a wall or something. But hey, he gets this super awesome orange cast. I always wanted a cast, ya know? So that my friends and people could sign it and it would be awesome.” Clara sighed wistfully. Between the slight healing properties of the nanites in her blood and the healing abilities of those in her family, even a broken bone wouldn’t last long in their household.

“So Trick can’t race for awhile, which is major suckage. But who knows, maybe he can still play the flight sims out at the spaceport or something. It’d really suck to be sidelined that long and get all rusty and stuff. I know it’s only been a few weeks but I’m already itching to get back into the cockpit myself.” Reviewing the afternoon’s conversation in her mind, her gaze ticked toward the sky then came down quickly as she juked to her left to avoid crashing into another pedestrian.

“Oops sorry!” She called over her shoulder with a sheepish wave. “My bad. Um, where was I. Oh, right. So, after that they got to talking about Beltane and stuff. Stupid Beltane, who even likes Beltane anyways. Not this girl. Anyways, what else. Trick finally asked me what I needed in order to get home. He’s got some connections through his racing team, he said he’d at least ask around and see if anyone knows anything. That was pretty cool of him. Mom always said look for the helpers, even if it seems like you’re in it alone, there will almost always be helpers out there.”

“And if it doesn’t pan out, well, it’s the thought that counts. I’m grateful for that, at the very least. Ooo, that place has dumplings. I think I know what I’m getting for lunch. So, um, one of the questions they asked during the Would You Rather, was whether I’d rather be deaf to all forms of music or blind to all forms of beauty. Almost everyone said blind except for me. And, well, this is awkward but this visually impaired woman came in right when the question was asked. She said she would trade too. I think… I think I’d rather be deaf to music because if I had to be blind to all forms of beauty, how would I fly?” Her walk slowed to a stop, the brick and glass facade of a small asian restaurant playing backdrop to the tail end of her rambling.

“I don’t really know what I’d do if I couldn’t fly. And to not be able to see the stars? What’s life then. Maybe I can fly again soon… I could use the reminder.” Clara fixed on a hopeful smile and adjusted her grip on the camera. “I’m gonna go eat. Talk to you all later.”

///End Log.
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Clara Wyatt
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Re: Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date: Manual Override. May 6th, 2017. 2346.

///Geolocation: Rhy’Din City, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed…

The camera flickered twice then popped on from her bedside table. Only Clara’s upper third was in view but it was evident she was sprawling across the bed with her head hanging upside down off the edge. Her cheeks were bulging and shortly after the feed began recording, she popped another french fry into her mouth, solving the mystery of just what she had stuffed her face with. Humming a little song as she chews and swallows, she finally gets it all down so that she can speak unencumbered.

“It’s been a weird couple of days. I’ve spent a lot of time out at the port, picking up what I can here and there. It’s still not quite enough but I’m doing more than breaking even now, which is nice. It’s enough to cover my room, some necessities, and still have a bit left over to set aside. I figured after busting my ass for three days straight that I could take the evening off. I spent the afternoon tinkering with some stuff that I got for free. Not really sure what I’m trying to make, but maybe it’ll be something.” Reaching off camera, she found another fry and bit a chunk off.

“Murelle, that’s one of the tenders on Saturday nights, made french fries. For free. With cheese even. I’m pretty sure she might be my favorite server in the history of forever. It makes Saturday nights a little more bearable, you know? It makes it so I don’t think so much about what everyone back home is doing. Like… are the boys blasting stuff they’re not supposed to. Is June’s sister trying to play tough for the girls that hang out at the pier. Are Alex and Niko getting in trouble for trespassing again. Is Addie cheating at Monopoly. Stuff like that. French fries help.” The rest of the fry was popped into her mouth. This time she chewed a bit slower, mulling over her thoughts.

“I wonder if they miss me, if any of you miss me. I’ve met a lot of really nice people here but it’s sort of odd knowing that by the time I’m as old as I am now, these people are all much older, if they’re around at all. It’s sort of surreal.” Patting blindly, she found another french fry and wriggled it between her fingers, held up high in front of her face.

“I got to sign Trick’s cast. It wasn’t the prettiest or anything but I gave it a little smiley face… maybe it’ll make him feel better. He’s gotta miss out on racing for awhile because of it, s’a bummer. I told him that maybe… maybe if he gets more people to sign it that it won’t feel like such a burden. Remember when I wrecked that Shikara-class Frigate and Dad absolutely lost his *** on me? Mom said something that sticks with me even now. And it was that sometimes things break. They break and sometimes they go up spectacularly, a million-billion-trillion pieces of absolute suck. But so long as you come through the other side, it’s okay. Things break, sometimes people too, but it’s important to get to the other side. And it’s important to help those that are going through the breaking process too.” Clara tapped the fry against her lips, thoughtful. Thankfully she had eaten enough downstairs that this was mostly dessert.

“I felt awful for months after that… but Dad, you said Mom had a point. I hadn’t got hurt, I was okay. Things break and we shouldn’t be mad but rather supportive to help get through it all. I think it’s kind of like that, a breaking process of sorts. I wonder if this is too. I don’t think I want to break this time though… some part of me can’t help but think it would be easier if I had one of you here with me… you know, to help see me through.” Setting the french fry aside uneaten, she frowned up at the ceiling before sitting up slightly to prop herself up on her elbows.

“But I can do this… even if it’s gonna be by myself. It’s just… it’s just another test. Right? I don’t know. I need sleep. Love you guys.” Reaching over herself, she sighed and clicked the camera off.

///End Feed.
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Clara Wyatt
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Re: Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date: Manual Override. May 10th, 2017. 0016.

///Geolocation: Rhy’Din City, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed…

“So I made another hundred silver today,” Clara was saying as the camera clicked on. Fresh from the shower, her dark hair looked pitch black when it was wet save for barely there touches of gold when the room’s light caught just right on the damp strands. It brought out the blue in both her eyes and her tank top which otherwise could have been mistaken for black too. “Most of it got tucked away for safekeeping. I had to break a little bit of it away to pay for the shuttle back to the city and for a charging adapter for this silly phone.”

“They said it’s new but the style is so old that I can’t help but think it was developed a decade before I was born, if not earlier.” For emphasis, she held up and snapped the little clamshell flip-phone in the camera’s direction. Chomp, chomp. “But I have a few phone numbers in it. They’re mostly people at the port, but Trick put his number in it today. So… that’s um… yeah, I like knowing I’ve got a friend in there. I haven’t texted him yet because, I dunno, I’m a total awkward turtle about everything. But maybe soon.”

Clara set the phone aside and tugged her backpack across the bed to her side. “Trick said he couldn’t find what I was looking for but he gave me the contact details of someone who might be able to. If this can help expedite finding the right parts to either fix or replace the core, then I can probably do the rest. I’ll be forever indebted and I don’t really know how to say thank you for their help so far, but I’ll try to figure out a way before I come home. His name’s not actually Trick, it’s Patrick. But they call him Trick because he does tricks with, like, cards and darts and billiards. It’s a pretty cool nickname. I don’t really have cool nicknames.”

“Just Clara-beara, mostly. Nerd Girl from Addie because she’s a jerk. Twinkle from Jakey.” She scrunched her nose but the smile was there, if a bit sad. “I kind of miss that big lug. He’s a little brash and uncouth but I know if he were here, he’d at least be able to make me laugh. He named me Twinkle after my middle name since it means Star. He said it’s obviously what makes my eyes sparkle, that I must be made of stardust. It’s a nice thought, isn’t it? That I could be made of stardust instead of… well, just being Clara.”

“I don’t have any way of knowing if any of this is making it back to you. I don’t think it is, if I’m being honest. With things broken like they are, not even the emergency beacon is broadcasting properly so I guess I’m doubting that a regular video stream would. If it is… if you guys can hear me, can someone slug Jake in the shoulder and tell him I miss his stupid face? I miss everyone else too. All of you. I promise I’m going to find a way to get home soon… just… just don’t forget me in the meantime.” Her smile was a bit weaker but carried with it a tenacious flare of hope that tried its hardest to reach her eyes. Clara nodded to herself and reached for the camera’s stop button but didn’t hit it until she added her farewell. “Love you all, talk to you soon.”

///End Feed.
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Clara Wyatt
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Re: Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date: Manual Override. May 12th, 2017. 2200.

///Geolocation: Stars End Spaceport, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed…

For a change of scenery, the camera clicked on not to her room at the inn or the quaint shops of the marketplace but rather the metal and neon glow of the Stars End Sector. Clara sat at a counter of some sort with the open layout of the bar behind her. There are intermittently filled tables, a wide projection screen on the far wall, and what looks to be a pair playing laser darts not far from that. In front of her is a plate of nachos and a tall soda with a bendy straw sticking out of it.

“Okay, so typically I wouldn’t broadcast from here in the middle of Stars End Bar, but I had a thought and I don’t want to lose it by the time I get back to my room. It’s, um, it’s Friday night and I sort of ended up out here kinda late. But I was talking to Chip about what I’m working on and he had some interesting thoughts that I want to revisit. Also, he bought me nachos so I’m definitely not gonna say no to that.” She gestured down to her half eaten platter and picked up another chip laden with gooey cheese, salsa, and pulled chicken.

“We got to talking and he mentioned that the omega core is going to be difficult to find because they’re not in mainstream production. Yet. Yet being the keyword. I had kind of accounted for that because it wasn’t until I was five or six that Dad said they were even readily available for public use and another five years after that before they were even affordable for the typical user.” Clara bit into the chip, chewed thoughtfully and swallowed, washing it down with a gulp of soda.

“But what if we can find a way to prompt that process to speed up a little bit? What sort of effect will it have on things overall if we sort of… I dunno, bump things into motion sooner than originally intended. Would this be tampering with the natural state of time? Or does the Nexus counterbalance things like this? It’s a question I’ve been thinking on quite a bit.” The rest of the chip was eaten only to be replaced by another in her grasp soon after.

“It would mean getting in with Churchill-Yumang and in particular with their development group. I don’t really know how easy or hard that would be. They don’t really have any reason to talk to a sixteen-year-old girl like me, let alone implement any of my suggestions. Plus… I dunno. Is this a case where I’d have to use a fake name or something? If they put two and two together and ask Dad about me, things could get really complicated. So Chip suggested I maybe try to put together prototype complimentary of the Psi-tech used to mainstream the Omega core technology. It might mean pulling mine apart to sort of reverse it… but it’s worth a shot.” Slurping down more pop, her mouth ticked into a contemplative purse then relaxed for another drink.

“I think I need to maybe hit a few books and do a little research before I jump into the deep end like that. It might prove too much and I may be better off just waiting, you know? But if I can speed it up… and do so without negatively impacting the trajectory of everything else… then what’s the harm, right? Okay, that’s all I’ve got. I just wanted to record it before I finished eating and hopped the shuttle back to the city. Bye!” She tossed another chip into her mouth, waved, and clicked the camera off.

///End Feed.
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Clara Wyatt
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Re: Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date: Manual Override. May 13th, 2017. 2248.

///Geolocation: Rhydin City, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed…

Her hair was a ruffled mess, spread around her face in wild waves left to spill over her shoulders to add another shade of dark over the straps of her tank top and steadily darkening tan of her skin. She covered a yawn shortly after the camera clicked on and squared it to put herself evenly within the frame.

“Okay. So. Today was… productive, I think. I skipped out on making some money out at the port and instead spent the day researching. The Rhydin Library had some good info and I came away from Teas’n Tomes with a pair of books that might help. At Teas I ran into a couple people I knew, which was weird. I really didn’t expect to see them there. There was Morgan and there was Trick and I met a new girl named Paige, who is Trick’s friend.” Set to rambling, she occupied her hands with opening and closing a large leatherbound book in her lap.

“Morgan was really nice. A little less in your face about things than he was the night I met him at the Inn. He’s a friend of Eri’s. I think maybe he might be a part of her gang or something? It’s not, like, a scary violent gang. More like… a cooking gang? Is that a thing? I dunno, she was telling me about it the other day. They run a bunch of businesses down in the Dockside area including Pachinko parlors and um, oh goddess, I can’t believe I’m gonna repeat this on camera. But they also have things called ‘image houses’ and ‘love hotels’ or something like that? Not… exactly my cup of tea, but I listened anyways. Um, where was I…

“Oh, right! Morgan. He helped me get books down and we talked a bit. I told him what I was looking for with the books and passed it off like I was trying to study for school this fall. He didn’t really understand it… so I think either maybe he didn’t have classes like that or maybe he didn’t go at all. I know that’s awful to assume, but it’s the general vibe he gave me. He hurt his leg so he was limping a bit. Didn’t really seem to want to elaborate on things beyond that so I didn’t really push.” She shrugged lightly and closed the book, smoothing her hands over the leather cover.

“Trick and Paige were there too. I’ve never met her until today but she seemed nice. They were, um, very… I dunno. Close. So maybe they’re more than just friends? I thought he was with Ed… but they had this weird thing on, like, Wednesday where it was all awkward and Trick looked sad. He left without saying hi, which… I guess is okay. Especially if he was sad or something. Ed looked sad too but he at least sorta acknowledged me when he walked by. Then he ran into a wall… I’m hoping that wasn’t my fault. I’ve run into walls before, it doesn’t feel good, but it’s way worse when people are watching. Today, Trick told Morgan and I that he broke his hand not on, like, a wall or anything but rather on someone’s face. Ed didn’t look beat up or anything but I wonder if it was him. It’d be a good reason to be sad.” Chewing at her bottom lip, Clara set the book aside and looked between it and the camera.

“They were really cute together. I mean, Trick’d be cute with anybody… he’s way cute, but they were particularly adorable with their kitten and such. But maybe it’s not a thing anymore. That’s sort of how things go in this place, aren’t they? Mom told me that once. That this place has a way of ruining good things and people just sort of move on to the next like it’s nothing. Like Addie’s real father, ya know. I’m sorry if you’re listening, Addz, I don’t mean to upset you. I’m just trying to make sense of all of this. If you really, really care about someone, how is it easy to go get all touchy-touchy with someone else? I dunno. It doesn’t really make sense in my head. But it’s also not my business, you know? I’m just me. I’ll be gone soon enough, what I think about things here shouldn’t impact anyone here.” By now a frown had worked its way firmly across her mouth, weighing it down with consternation.

“I don’t really understand boys. So maybe it’s best not to think about it. I’ve got these books to go through. I got a fresh notebook for cheap too and a pretty blue pen I can take notes with. Maybe I’ll find a good lead. If I don’t, maybe it’ll at least give me a little insight into whether it’s worth heading to the CY shipyard to talk with them about things. I’m thinking I can maybe take my core with me and see if they’d be willing to look at it. Fixing it could be just as viable as replacing it, if such a thing is possible. I just need to find out if it is.” She paused to think, looking off camera for a beat. “I think that’s all I’ve got for today. Tomorrow’s Mother’s Day… so I think I’m just gonna stay in and read all day. I really miss you, Mama. I hope you have a good day tomorrow. Love you all.”

///End Feed.
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Clara Wyatt
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Re: Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date: Manual Override. May 15th, 2017. 2358.

///Geolocation: Rhydin City, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed…

“I told someone that I’m not actually from this time,” the feed began, the camera still focusing. The frame is slightly crooked since it’s balanced on her drawn up knees. Behind her is a worn wooden door, her back up against it. Her eyes are rimmed with red like perhaps she has been crying but her cheeks are dry.

“I don’t really know why… I know I shouldn’t have. But Sain’s really easy to talk to and he’s… different, I guess. He asked what I had been up to and it all just sort of came tumbling out. What I had been reading… what the Nexus is… so on and so forth. He asked if I was trying to find my way back to my own world… but the thing is, this is my world. Just not my time. I let it slip… I could really **** things up by doing that.” She shuddered a hard exhale and wiped at her eyes just to keep them from spilling over again.

“He thought it was cool. The whole… idea of time travel. He has some interesting ideas on how the whole progress works and how things can be influenced while I am here. I think… I think it was supposed to be comforting. He told me that the timestream accounts for changes in the past so it all evens out. But… that’s not how it works, at least not that I’ve seen.” Shaking her head a little, the girl ruffled her hand back through her hair to get it out of her face.

“Sain came here by way of portal from his home world. He’s a mage hunter and a mage had opened it. They sent him through and it closed behind him. They sacrificed him… threw him away. He thinks this place is great in comparison and I can’t say I blame him. But nobody threw me away… my friends and family are all back home and I miss them terribly. I hope they miss me too…” Clara said softly, her teeth worrying at her bottom lip. What if they didn’t miss her? What if they didn’t care that she was gone?

“I think I said something that may’ve upset him and triggered a conversation I wasn’t wholly prepared for. Essentially I told him that I had nothing here. Which is true to a point, if a bit narrow sighted. I have a handful of people I’ve become friendly with but none of them will remember me after I leave, I’ll be forgotten just like everyone else that leaves. Everything I have is seventeen years from now. But that got us onto the subject of how the things I do here may or may not affect the future. It was enlightening… but then… then after I told him about the Addie Paradox, he said what if I’m in the timeline that got messed up by her time jump. What if that’s meant to correct it…” Her voice got softer until it was just a whisper. She licked her lips and looked away from the camera then wiped at her right eye with the back of her hand.

“I… I don’t think I am. But the thought scares me. Because if I am, Mama’s gonna die and I’m not going to exist. And what then, you know? I just don’t think it’s right though… because older Addie’s here and Uncle Kruger made mention of St. Luke’s, which makes me think that Mama’s working there. If she is, that means that I’m in the right place.” Clara sniffed, tipping her head back with a soft thunk to the door behind her.

“Maybe I’ll go over there and make sure. If I can just… I don’t know… make sure that she’s there isn’t of in Nosgoth, then I’ll be able to rest a little easier.” Shaking her head, she reached forward for the side of the camera. “Gonna crash now. Love you guys.”

///End Feed.
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Clara Wyatt
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Re: Captain Clara's Super Fantastic Video Log

Post by Clara Wyatt »

///Establishing Connection… Please Wait...

///Video Feed Recorded by User: lilwyatt18. Password: ****************

///Time & Date: Manual Override. May 18th, 2017. 0036.

///Geolocation: Rhydin City, Rhy’Din...

///Begin Feed…

A new video, a new locale. The glow of Dockside gives her skin an orange pallor but her grin is undeniable. Behind her, a glass window offers a view into what looks to be a Chinese restaurant.

“Today was the best day ever. This is going to be short, mostly because I am so freaking excited that I don’t even know what to do. I spent the afternoon hanging out with a few friends at the Inn. These adults came out and stuff got a little weird conversationally… one of them called Camellia a street walker then acted like she didn’t know it meant something other than someone who walks on the streets. Bull****, but whatever. Anyways! Just as I was about to leave to get away from it… I look out across the yard since we were on the front porch and who do I see but Edward ****ing Ives!” It didn’t seem possible but her grin grew, a brilliantly blinding thing in and of itself.

“You guys heard me! At least… bits and pieces. How you figured out where I am, I don’t know. But E’s here and Yunni too. E got to meet a few of my friends and while we waited for Yunni to meet up with us at the Inn, we had a water fight with balloons and guns and overdramatic death scenes… it may very well have been the best day I’ve had since coming here.” Breathless, Clara glances over her shoulder through the window of the restaurant and smiles again.

“Yunni eventually made it to the Inn too. I guess she stopped by the dojo to talk to her moms which I’m a little unsure of but whatever. We’re here at the Jade Dragon for dinner and then I think we’re gonna go back to the inn to crash. That way in the morning I can pack my stuff up and we can leave. I’m coming home!” Nearly squealing the last notes, she exhaled happily and leaned back against the building’s front facade, reaching for the camera’s switch.

“I love you all. I will see you tomorrow. This is Captain Clara, signing out for the last time.” She saluted the camera and clicked it off.

///End Feed.
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